All of a sudden, I was receiving a beautiful lesson plan emailed from Kirk! Yes! I read it over and thought "I don't know how to do this stuff" Giving up control is hard, being flexible is hard, the unknown is hard, but totally worth conquering it......
We explained what we expected from the students and their faces lit up.... I have taught the writing process to my grade eights for ten years. This year was going to be different. Voice recording and rerecording. The kids were excited! The talk about the recording studio and the listening studio created excitement... editing in a different way using technology... not peer\self editing with a pen and paper but actually listening to their voice and one of their peers voice, learning to give constructive criticism and how to take constructive criticism without losing a friend (high priority on the grade eight list). The day to set this all in motion was near......
The longest day of the trip!!!
12 years ago
Andrea your comment about students providing constructivie criticism without losing a friend is interesting. During one class one of the students did not have a peer editor to work with. I simply asked one of the students beside this student if they would peer edit their work. It worked out good but I guess there could have been issues. I wonder if students find this type of peer editing more personal? The reason I ask this is because of the voice and reading aspect that the peer editor is listening.