Ok, so I like to try new things in the classroom.. you know brainwashed with being a "lifelong" learner..... I took the bait, hook, line, and sinker....
It all started when Kirk was introduced to our staff at our staff meeting (which really aren't staff meetings anymore imo - that is a whole other story though). He was interesting, enthusiastic, but I felt his best trait was "supportive". He seemed to understand how teachers were feeling about their "ever changing role" - the pressure of the new curriculum dealing with technology. Support is what I was looking for.....
REWIND - so, last year at the staff meeting they were handing out smart boards.... I took one and created two lessons on it.. went to four workshops but it seems like I never got the support to create the knowledge I needed to use it to its' full potential (another story though)
Anyways, I decided I had an assignment in mind for digital storyboard. I sat down with Kirk and Karen (our techie helper) and we hacked out a rough draft of what we were going to do. I felt overwhelmed. Excitement was scratching the surface. Anyways, I thought what am I getting myself into......
The longest day of the trip!!!
13 years ago
I love it Andrea...keep it coming!